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Happy 1/2 hour: The recipe for personalizationEstimated reading time: 1 minutes


Happy 1/2 hour: The recipe for personalization

Dip your toe into the world of fine dining with this two-part session from #EpsilonPersonalive featuring Auzerais Bellamy, professional pastry chef and founder of Blondery. Joined by experts from Epsilon, the group explores the recipe for stellar marketing personalization: what it really means to double-down on personalization, and how brands can achieve it—big or small.

The group explores:

  • The 4 ingredients to the perfect personalization recipe
  • The importance of robust data in crafting those personalized experiences
  • What big brands can learn about building loyalty from Blondery, a completely virtual DTC bakery
  • How personalized touches, no matter how small, make an impact on a customer's perception of your brand

Take a bite out of this sweet session today.