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[Video] Advertising Week Europe: The elusive attribution modelEstimated reading time: 1 minutes


[Video] Advertising Week Europe: The elusive attribution model

Watch this on-demand panel debate on attribution, filmed at Advertising Week Europe, to understand why attribution is failing businesses, and what needs to change for measurement to serve real commercial interests.

Speaking alongside experts on attribution from Google, AOL and Campaign Magazine, Conversant's VP of Media UK, Elliott Clayton found wide-agreement on the panel on the future of measurement being tied to A/B testing, rather than attribution.

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Joining the Advertising Week Europe panel:

  • Moderator: Gideon Spanier, Head of Media, Campaign & Media Week
  • Oliver Borm, Advanced Performance Lead, Northern & Central Europe, Google
  • Elliott Clayton, VP Media UK, Conversant
  • Alex Timbs, Head of Data and Attribution, AOL

Further listening

If this panel debate has piqued your interest in attribution, then be sure to listen to Conversant's podcast series on attribution. Experts from the industry speak candidly on the issues that attrbiution causes, and what can be done to solve them.

Listen to the podcast
