Customer-Centric Marketing

Video 1 | 15 min

In the first instalment of this on-demand video series on customer-centric marketing, we consider what defines a customer-centric business, the best practices such businesses focus on, and how organisations can transform to customer-centric models.


Customer Lifetime Value

Video 2 | 15 min

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the single, most important metric used to understand the long-term profitability of your business. Join us for this on-demand video talk to understand how CLV allows businesses to look beyond short-term KPIs, affording long-term planning and strategic change.


Customer Loyalty

Video 2 | 11 min

High customer loyalty is a trait that all truly customer-centric businesses can boast, with loyalty programmes proven to increase customer lifetime value by 30%. Join us for this on-demand video as we consider how customer-centric businesses promote customer loyalty, and what we can learn from these best practices.




Video 2 | 13 min

A detailed look into what customer-centric acquisition strategies look like today, the challenges posed for retail marketers in fulfilling them, and some of the best examples of acquisition for retail.

Watch this 12-minute on-demand video on acquisition for practical advice and guidance to fulfil customer-centric acquisition strategies.



Demonstrating Profitability

Video 2 | 15 min

In this on-demand video, Dave Simms discusses attribution's negative impact on securing marketing budget, and how finance and marketing can adopt test and control measurement to prove impact on your business' bottom line.