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The state of retail media in 2023: Global survey of brands' and retailers' thoughts and feelingsEstimated reading time: 1 minutes

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The state of retail media in 2023: Global survey of brands' and retailers' thoughts and feelings

What brands and retailers can learn from each other

The opportunity for retail media is huge right now. But you may feel like there are many difficulties that are stopping you from jumping in on the action.

That's why we partnered with Phronesis Partners to conduct the largest global retail media survey of brands and retailers to date. From this data, we pulled insights and takeaways on brands' and retailers' thoughts and feelings about retail media you won't find anywhere else.

In the report, you'll learn:

  • Five key research takeaways
  • An understanding of retailers' and brands' wants and needs
  • Guidance for taking the next steps on your retail media journey
Digital MediaRetail Media