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Bounce back stories: Sarah Ferraro, Account Director, HealthcareEstimated reading time: 3 minutes

Epic Blog

Bounce back stories: Sarah Ferraro, Account Director, Healthcare

At Epsilon, we have a higher-than-average number of bounce backs (people who leave a company, and then come back). We know it’s because we have a great culture and a leadership team that appreciates career paths are not always linear. In Bounce back stories, we explore the amazing people that have found their way back to Epsilon. This is Sarah Ferraro’s story.

Sarah’s first “tour” at Epsilon was from 2013-2016. After three years with the company, Sarah took a leap of faith to join the downtown Chicago ad agency world. Sarah worked on a large insurance account and enjoyed her time in agency client services. But when the pandemic started, she wanted to work in an industry that was meaningful to her. She pivoted to a small healthcare/life sciences agency, but 14 months later, found herself back at Epsilon as an Account Director for Healthcare on the Tech side of the business.

Why did you decide to “bounce back" to Epsilon?

“For me, it was the people, values, culture and Epsilon's product offerings. In an everchanging world, it’s important to me to be a part of a team that has a unified goal of doing great work, building lasting relationships and having fun along the way. Epsilon’s products are the best in the industry, which helps make my role in client services exciting and gratifying.”

What has it been like coming back to Epsilon?

“It has been nothing short of fantastic! I felt an immediate connection with everyone I've met and have had such a positive experience. From my first interview to where I am now in my current role, I'm proud to be back as a part of the Epsilon team!”

What matters most when it comes to an employer?

“Now more than ever, people need to be understood and treated with empathy and respect. And of course, they need to be happy. Simple acts of kindness go a long way.”

Inquiring minds (candidates!) want to know: what makes Epsilon different?

“The people, the culture and Epsilon's values are very special. But it doesn't end there. Epsilon's product offerings are data-driven, which make marketing efforts impactful, measurable and meaningful. Our tagline of ‘We enable marketing that’s built on proof, not promises’ says it all.”

What do a lot of companies get wrong?

“I think employees need to feel supported, need to have a work/life balance, and need to be fulfilled, challenged and rewarded in the workplace. Epsilon does a really great job of providing and balancing all of those qualities.”

What would you say to any candidates considering Epsilon?

“Come be a part of the Epsilon team! Build your network and reach out to Epsilon employees. It’s important to get different perspectives and learn as much as you can before and during your interview process. I can attest that Epsilon is truly a great place to work!”

Happy to welcome Sarah back, who makes Epsilon even more EPIC! Whether you’re a bounce back or new to Epsilon, check out our open positions. We’d love to have you.
