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Recognizing people online has only become more complicated over time. If we look back just 10 years ago, the most common marketing channel was direct mail, where marketers identified customers and prospects through mailing addresses and sent them the latest campaign, product or (physical) newsletter.
As the internet grew in prevalence, more marketing channels developed. Email gave marketers the option to stay connected with consumers daily, and smartphones eventually brought us in-app messaging and more opportunities for exposure.
Now, everyone has multiple email addresses, devices and browsers. Consumers buy things on any one of their various phones, computers or tablets, and devices like Amazon’s Alexa or Xbox create new unexpected engagement opportunities that are shaping the future of consumer behavior. And smart appliances are expected to see strong financial growth as companies like LG and Samsung introduce products allowing consumers to speak to their appliance and order groceries.
The amount of consumer touchpoints keeps expanding, and it’s only going to get harder to find and recognize each person across all of their channels and devices.
Every single point where you could interact with a customer needs to be tied into one holistic view of that person through proper identity management. Yet this proves to be the most important—and most challenging—aspect of successful omnichannel marketing.
When marketers talk about recognition in digital marketing, it’s often with a very basic understanding. The key question is: “When I see a cookie or device in the digital world, how much historical information do I have on that person?”
More often than not, it’s extremely limited. Because cookies and devices are constantly changing, they lack the necessary depth of information to actually know an individual’s holistic preferences and interests.
Although there are many solutions in the market that attempt to create recognition across devices using emails, logins or IP addresses, none of them are a substitute for matching your first-party data to an established and verified network of real people, always in a privacy-protected environment. Real, verifiable information about a person is the best anchor for matching.
There are two common methods used to identify customers in the digital world:
When it comes to matching, most marketers only think about one number—the match rate—but recognition goes far beyond that single metric. A provider could offer a high match rate, but that doesn’t mean you can accurately communicate with your customers.
Depending on how a provider matches your customers and prospects to online IDs, you could be sacrificing reach, accuracy or persistency just to achieve higher match rates.
Deterministic matching can help solve many of these issues; however, very few companies have the capabilities to execute this way. And of the ones that can, fewer still anonymize the person’s identity for a privacy-first approach.
Recognizing your customers impacts not only your marketing performance but also the customer experience. Think about Dory from Finding Nemo. Dory meets Marlin for the first time, introduces herself and has a conversation with Marlin.
Two minutes later, Dory doesn’t remember meeting Marlin, and they have the same conversation all over again. This happens all the time in digital marketing; just because you can match a single cookie doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to have an ongoing conversation with your customers that builds over time with every interaction.
Recognition is the fundamental first step in digital marketing because it builds the foundation for a successful campaign and performance. Good identity recognition ensures you know who you’re talking to, across channels and devices, without losing sight of each person over time.
Ultimately, identity recognition impacts how you:
Marketers often chase the cheaper or quicker solution, but there are a lot of opportunity costs with that approach. If you work with a provider that focuses on probabilistic matching, you’re not getting the full view of each person.
And—like Dory—you’re probably restarting the conversation over and over with the same person—or worse—speaking to the wrong person entirely.