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Lou Paskalis on the "black box" that is walled gardens advertisingEstimated reading time: 1 minutes

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Lou Paskalis on the "black box" that is walled gardens advertising

"Ultimately, at the end of the day we have a fiduciary responsibility to understand how our customers are being treated."

Delivering relevant and personalized messages to customers is a must, but, as Lou Paskalis, SVP of Customer Engagement and Media Investment at Bank of America, explains, that can be difficult to do and understand the true impact within walled gardens.

In this video, Paskalis discusses why marketers have a responsibility to their customers to ensure they are being treated fairly—and how walled gardens make that difficult.

For more on this topic, read The incongruous nature of walled gardens, with more insights from Paskalis and other industry thought leaders.

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