
How to succeed without third-party cookies

Get the playbook

Third-party cookie (3PC) deprecation is part of a larger trend of identifier loss that isn’t slowing down. Even though Google recently pushed back the timeline to fully deprecate third-party cookies (again) to Q1 2025, the change is coming. Many marketers are feeling stuck, unsure how to not only prepare for, but also succeed in, a world without third-party cookies. 

This playbook gives actionable recommendations to help marketers get unstuck. Dive in and uncover:

  • The latest news on Google's plans to deprecate third-party cookies
  • How your marketing colleagues are feeling about the changes
  • How to build and boost your first-party data
  • The different types of person-based identity resolution and why they matter
  • Alternative tech to third-party cookies
  • How Epsilon can help guide marketers through a cookieless future

For more insight on third-party cookie deprecation, read our full research, Preparing for a world without third-party cookies, here