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The 2024 back-to-school reportEstimated reading time: 2 minutes

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The 2024 back-to-school report

It’s time for parents to pack up the lunchboxes and send kids on their way to a brand-new school year—and you know what that means: Back-to-school shopping has begun. ​

For many brands, back-to-school is a pivotal time to engage with shoppers and drive revenue. But things look a little different this year, as high costs and rising inflation have parents concerned even more about sticking to their budgets. The bottom line? People are looking ​for deals. ​

It’s crucial for marketers during back-to-school season to understand not only how to reach their customers effectively but also how to tailor their messages to what parents really want. To learn more about people’s plans for back-to-school shopping, we surveyed how much consumers are planning to spend, where they are spending and what items they are spending their money on.​

Download the report to explore: ​

  • How marketing messages and advertisements impact what parents buy for their kids. ​
  • The dollar amount parents intend to spend this year and on what items, compared to 2023.​
  • Any shifts in the types of retailers (e.g., online versus brick and mortar) parents expect to shop at for back-to-school supplies.​
  • If rising costs and inflation are influencing what (and how much) ​parents are planning to buy.